The popular Wahoo is one of the fastest fish in the ocean. Pink is a beautiful silver color. In the radioactive blue vertical stripe of torpedo-shaped fish, strong jaws exist. This stripe, jaw, and razor-sharp teeth reach a blast speed of about 70 miles per hour. WAHOO is one of the candidates for delicious fish of the sea.

Catching a WAHOO is undoubtedly a subtle pleasure. Very elusive and white meat food lovers hunt and eat this fish with much joy. At the beginning of the journey, the boat filed for Sashimi. This valuable gamefish is found on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and often in the Caribbean. Coastal fishers know very well where to find this fish. So they prepare themselves that way from the beginning of the journey.
Other Names: Wahoo, Oahu, Pacific Kingfish, ‘Hoo.
Season: Wahoo is available any time of the year. Many fishers are too busy hunting for other fish, so do not target wahoos. Wahoos are usually getting while hunting other fish. South of the Jaco area, Wahoo is more common in a few coastal areas. In the coastal regions, rocks usually catch these fish continuously throughout the year. So Wahoo is more in these areas. Usually, 20 to 60 pounds Wahoo is available all year round.

Method: Trawling results in offshore cliffs and near structures. These game fish are usually found in large quantities 10-30 miles away. Usually, the bait, the spoon, and the sand will hit the rigs. Wahoo to target, take a look at the fishing chart of the year. This delicious fish is available in these areas throughout the year. To target Wahoo, Wire Leaders, Planners, and Downrigger species of fish can use. Another important thing is that you have to troll twice as fast as usual.
Description: The Wahoo is commonly found in tropical waters worldwide. One of the fastest game fish. Many of them are considered delicious. Much tall torpedo-shaped fish weigh more than 100 pounds.
Typical Habitat: The Wahoo is a member of the Mackerel family. Among other members of this family, Wahoo game fish are available in most of the world’s oceans. On the east coast of Costa Rica, along the blue waterline, yellowfin merges with the tuner. They are also available on the Pacific coast of Central America. Fish are availably flocking to the bottom of the water, surrounded by coastal rocks and deep water off the Pacific coast of Wahoo. These are the deepest blue water fish. They are occasionally seen on the edge of the wall and walking. They often travel in small packs for their safety.
Age and Growth: The maximum recorded total length is 98 inches, and the full weight is 182 pounds. Typically, sizes 39 to 66 inches are available all year round. Physical growth is at the rate of 1.5 inches per month. Due to location and sex, it matures in 1 to 2 years. It is proven to survive up to 5-6 years of age or older.
Food Quality: It is most popular among bluewater fish because of its incredible speed and taste. A lucky hunter hunts Wahoo. Our fishers will pack the fish, and we will take the fish with us. This delicious fish is usually cut into sticks and then fried or baked with garlic butter or lemon butter sauce.
Feeding habits: Wahoo is found mainly for tuna and marlin while trolling. The teeth are very sharp, so it is not easy to lift the boat. Small batfish, sardines, flying fish, mackerel, and even small tuna, squid wahoo are very popular. When hungry, Wahoo wanders around them.

My best day ever
I came to Costa Rica for the first time in my life. Never caught a fish before, not even Wahoo. Quite a happy day when I first went to Costa Rica and went fishing. On the appointed day, we set sail for the sea. At first, my target was Sailfish. While fishing for Sailfish, I tried to hook up a couple. Once upon a time, I was successful in fishing. One Wahoo beat through my 100-pound leader after a blistering run, and I snapped a response to my reel and my flat line. My dream for a long time was to enjoy hundreds of Wahoo grilled and Wahoo fried fish with rice, beans, and grilled sweet corn at a Taco stand. I succeeded in doing Wahoo fishing. I even ate delicious Wahoo with rice, beans, and grilled sweet corn at the taco stand.
In particular fish, wahoos can rotate 180 degrees per second. The most popular Wahu bait is dead sandalwood, cigar minnow, mullet, or strip bait. This bait can use for trolling downriggers, planners, and cable lines. Plan a vacation in Costa Rica. We will make all the arrangements for you. Visit our website. We have all kinds of packages. Confirm your booking today for convenient day phishing.